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Mount Rainier West Side Loop
Mount Rainier West Side Road The West Side of Mount Rainier is possibly the most quiet with no road side trailheads and few options for trails to travel on. The area is linked together by the Wonderland Trail and has
Northern Loop Variation in MRNP
The Northern Loop section in Mount Rainier National Park is one of my favourite zones. Being much quieter then the Wonderland trail this section has stunning terrain rarely seen by most hikers. But it is not the trail that makes
Hawkeye Point in Goat Rocks Wilderness
Goat Rocks Wilderness is located in the Southern Cascades of Washington. Covering 108,023 acres it it composed of high alpine basins and numerous glaciers covering the highest peaks. Situated between Mount Adams to the South and Mount Rainier to the
Norse Peak Trail to Silver Basin
Wanting to make the most out of a day hike Boot and I decided to head out to the opposing ridge of Crystal Mountain. Starting at the Norse Peak trail and following the Pacific Crest Trail before finally exiting via
Stevens Ridge to Cowlitz Park MRNP
3 Day Hike From Stevens Ridge to Cowlitz Park Stevens Ridge and Cowlitz Park on the Southeast side of Mount Rainier National Park is a rare area without trails in beautiful alpine terrain. Stevens Ridge itself is a 3 mile
Overnight Camping at Robin Lakes
Leaving Trinity from the Buck Creek Pass Loop Skier Dan dropped me off near Leavenworth before my friend Ben picked me up. Like most of my friends he had also moved from Seattle over to the East Side. After spending
Spider Gap Buck Creek Loop
The Spider Gap Buck Creek Loop had been a trip in the making for many years. Being a section of Glacier Peak Wilderness the trail goes through some of the more scenic parts of the North Cascades. My good friend
Summer in Seattle 2022
It was time to head back home to Seattle after 4 years of being in Finland. Finally my wife and I had the option to go visit my Mom, friends and the mountains. The plan was for my wife to
Tamokdalen to Kilpisjarvi Ski Traverse
Ski traversing from Tamokdalen to Kilpisjarvi was an idea I had been thinking about for years. Looking at the map there were numerous options for routes back to Finland with most of them being straight forward through valleys. While being
Nerotinden and Cahcevahnjunni
By now it had been cloudy during the days with a brief window on clear skies around Midnight. After a few days of resting at Tamokhuset we finally got a brief window from 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. Wanting to
Nerotinden is a hidden gem within the Tamokdalen Valley that doesn’t get any attention. Being hidden and out of view from most places people don’t really talk about or know much about the area. With a few kilometer approach from
Nerotinden North Ridge
Nerotinden is one of those peaks that while close to the Tamokhuset it never really got any attention. I had been interested in it ever sense I spotted it while heading out to Tamokfjellet. While the Northwest bowl was riddled